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Samuel Farmer

a Challenge

Making tough changes to help meet goals.

When sophomore Sam Farmer faced challenges with his major at Nebraska, he made changes and persevered.
– Samuel Farmer –

In high school, it didn’t take very much for me to do well, so I didn’t develop study habits. When I started as a physics major, I wasn’t doing too well. I was procrastinating and didn’t have the discipline I needed. I knew I was capable of being curious about what I’m learning, but I was just struggling with waiting to do my assignments the day before they were due. I got to a point where I needed to make a change, so I decided to switch my major to psychology because I already had a lot of interest in that, and I can see myself having a career with it. I did an AP psychology course in high school and that is where my interest in it started. I’m a sophomore, but I just changed my major from physics to psychology last semester. Now I’m majoring in psychology and I’m minoring in political science.

“Everyone at Nebraska wants you to succeed.”

— Samuel Farmer

Sam’s on-campus support system was especially important while he was changing majors.

I’ve had so much support in getting back on track. By meeting with my advisor, Nebraska College Preparatory Academy (NCPA) and talking to people about how things are going, I’ve been able to make plans for my next steps. I also talk to my professors more. If I don’t do well on a quiz or an assignment, I make sure to meet with my professor to talk about how I could do better in the future. Every time I meet with the director of NCPA, I feel like I can get back into the mindset of “I can get this done.” I have a lot of passion for trying to solve some of the problems I see in the world, and I want to be successful so that I can go and have a positive influence on the world.

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Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Sam has found a supportive community on campus.

It has been harder to get involved on campus once the pandemic happened. It became easy for me to stay home. I’m from Winnebago, Nebraska, a reservation town about two hours north of Lincoln. NCPA is my family on campus when I can’t go home. During the pandemic when we couldn’t meet in person, NCPA staff would still have little things for us in the office, like treats or new notebooks, so that we could come in and grab something and have a chance to talk to them. Spending time with NCPA makes me feel like I have a home away from home.

Samuel with friends
At the end of the day, Sam’s determination to accomplish his goals keeps him moving forward.

Everyone at Nebraska wants you to succeed. The professors want their students to pass; they don’t want to fail anyone, and they are willing to help if you ask. In high school, your teachers tell you that in college you’ll be totally on your own, so I was surprised how involved the professors really are. I wasn’t expecting to have such a good support system here. I came to college and I’m motivated to stick with this and make sure I get this degree. I was able to start making the changes that I needed to make to succeed. Now I’m to the point where I’m feeling good about my future in psychology.