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Cameron Anderson


Being successful isn’t just about your GPA

Find What it Takes

– Cameron Anderson –

My first year, I came to college with an open mind. I knew that the whole college experience would be totally different from high school, but I didn’t really think too much about the academic side. I was just focused on the social aspects. I went to class and all that stuff, but I was just really unprepared.

I didn’t really have the studying and learning skills to be an even average college student. After my first semester, I was on academic probation. I was actually dismissed from the university at one point, but I appealed it and got to come back.

To be honest, I really hated being on probation because I knew what it took to be a good student. It came down to whether or not I was actually going to work hard and try to achieve something in college.

I thought college would be more like high school where I just had to check the boxes, be a good student, not disrupt the teacher, stuff like that. I even took advanced classes in high school and did well, so I really saw myself being successful in higher education, but I didn’t know exactly what that entailed.

Take the Lead

Being on probation definitely helped me though. As part of the probation, I met with an advisor once a week and went to seminars on studying and planning strategies. Getting involved with organizations really helped too. I started working at the Office of Academic Success and Intercultural Services (OASIS) front desk and the people there know who I am now. If I need a letter of recommendation, I can pretty much ask anybody in that building.

Being successful isn’t only about your GPA. Grades don’t reflect what type of person you are or the things you want to do in life. They tell how hard you work to pass class and stuff like that, but that’s not all college is. People here see that.

I also learned that professors will follow your lead in helping you succeed. If you show that you care about your education and really want to pursue it, they’ll really care about it too. If you put in the effort to email them, ask them questions and get involved, it goes a long way in doing well in classes. I’ve met with every professor that I’ve had at least once. They know who I am and they’re happy to help me succeed because I’ve shown interest in wanting to graduate from college and get a good job.

“I also learned that professors will follow your lead in helping you succeed.”

— Cameron Anderson

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Handle What’s Ahead

One of my goals coming into Nebraska was to graduate from a four-year university. I just had to learn how to work toward that goal more intentionally. It’s a process that depends on the willpower you have to actually succeed. I never planned to be on academic probation, I never planned to have a story of struggle in college, but there are resources and people at Nebraska that will help you overcome it.

I still have a long way to go and two semesters left until I graduate. I never thought college would prepare me so much for actually being an adult, but it has. It’s been hard, but I feel like I can handle what’s coming after graduation now.